Ptolemy accounted for 'retrograde motion' in his model of the solar system by introducing smaller circles named 'epicycles'.
- According to Ptolemy, the Sun and the other planets in the Solar system orbited around the Earth.
- The Greeks were convinced that Ptolemy's earlier model did not provide for backward or the retrograde motion.
- Ptolemy thought over it for a while and theorized the possibility of 'epicycles'.
- According to Ptolemy, the planets that orbited Earth also orbited another smaller point.
- The smaller orbits followed by the planets while in motion around the Earth in a larger orbit were introduced by Ptolemy as 'epicycles'.
- Until Kepler proposed his models of the functioning of the Solar system, Ptolemy's models were considered the most relevant.
A. technology can be used to overcome physical barriers and boundaries
The ability to dam water and use of improved transportation are clear proofs of how we can overcome physical barriers and boundaries.
- Dam water is an engineering revolution by which water can be made available all year round.
- Also, damage to the ecosystem caused by excess water is circumvented.
- Roads that are pliable are of huge important in breaching geographical imitations. A good transport system can make use of this connectivity.
- Air transportation has improved the ease of travel and reduced travel time greatly.
- Both dams and good transportation are clear engineering solutions to overcome limitations of nature.
Overly Populated. It is the 7th largest country and 2 nd most populated country.
Hey there!
The famous place known as Havana is the capital of Cuba.
Hope this helps!
GROUNDWATER is the largest source of freshwater on earth.