A free enterprise system is what the USA has, a capitalist country where you can have the freedom for a lot of things to take actions allowed, also allowed to work your for your self. Socialism takes away the freedom where the money and business are owned by the government, if you oppose the government and speak out, you can be punished for death in cerian places like Cuba, Vietnam, Slovakia, Laos, North Korea Russia etc...
Because they want to keep their european Rivals Away from Valuable town and Mines in Mexico.
North America was really Loaded with Gold and Silver, and has Accounted for more than 20 % of Spains Budget back then. That's why they want to assert control over it
There were several different restrictions placed on blacks due to the Jim Crow laws. The following are just a couple examples.
1) Poll taxes- This was a certain amount of money an individual would have to pay in order to vote. This negatively effected African-Americans, as many of them could not afford this tax.
2) Literacy tests- These were written tests that individuals had to pass in order to vote. These were extremely difficult to do well on, due to the wording of the question or the time given to complete the test. This targeted African-Americans, as many of them had no formal schooling as of this time period.
3) Segregated public facilities- Everything from public schools to public pools were segregated in order to keep blacks and whites away from each other.