1. Galileo.
2. Newton.
3. Kepler.
4. Brahe.
5. Refracting telescope.
6. Reflecting telescope.
7. Astrolabe
8. Camera.
9. Radio telescope.
1. Galileo: he discovered details of a lunar surface.
2. Newton: he invented first reflecting telescope.
3. Kepler: he found planets had elliptical orbits.
4. Brahe: he performed a systematic mapping of sky.
5. Refracting telescope: uses a large glass lens.
6. Reflecting telescope: uses a mirror to focus light.
7. Astrolabe: tool used to determine location of a star.
8. Camera: instrument that accumulates light from an object to show more detail.
9. Radio telescope: records sounds of stars.
That is know as the Kuiper Belt.
1. Solar energy, wind energy, bio-fuels
2. Coal, natural gases, steel
The counties of Michigan are organized in a grid pattern because the internal subdivision of the state followed the pattern of surveying established by the Land Ordinance of 1785, which established a rectangular division of the lands of the Northwest Territory, with the objective of facilitating an equal distribution between settlers who would be sent there to populate the region west of the Appalachians.
Thus, the Northwest Territory began to be subdivided into a rectangular shape, and the counties in this region began to take this shape. So when Michigan was established as a state, its counties (as well as those of the other Midwest states) continued to maintain this rectangular shape.
As trees grow, they help stop climate change by removing carbon dioxide from the air, storing carbon in the trees and soil, and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. Trees provide many benefits to us, every day.