He has to take a daily pill to make the stirrings stop, just like everyone else in society, Jonas soon learns that his job is to become the Receiver and hold all of mankind’s memories. The giver who shares these memories with him tells jonas to stop taking the pill.
The correct answer to this question is C to unite the colonists against the British government.
Explanation:The author is very close-minded and not open to any other theories at all, he does not even take them into consideration. The only theory he mentions is the plesiosaur one, then goes into search efforts.
Personally, I believe that 'Nessie' is a greenland shark, a rare shark that lives at the deepest reaches of the northern oceans, and could easily have been inside the lock undiscovered because of the hundreds of caves that exist under the waters of Loch Ness.
memories of is how you fel ther you have to write