he major staging area from which the
Germans deployed to p ost-war Germany
was the St ettin-Sch eune railway station,
where gangs were free to raid, r ape
and loot the exp ellees. Germans were
either transported by ship from Ste ttin
to Lübeck or s ent by rail in cattle cars to
the British occupation z one.
President Wilson demanded that the Germans stop unannounced submarine warfare; however, he didn’t believe the U.S. should take military action against Germany. Some Americans disagreed with this nonintervention policy, including former president Theodore Roosevelt
In March 1916, a German U-boat torpedoed a French passenger ship, the Sussex, killing dozens of people, including several Americans. Afterward, the U.S. threatened to cut diplomatic ties with Germany
In response, the U.S. severed diplomatic ties with Germany on February 3. During February and March, German U-boats sank a series of U.S. merchant ships, resulting in multiple casualties.
Here’s what I got from an article