Searching for sea root toward Asia
The European explorations were a direct result of the establishing of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans had their empire right on the most important place when it came to trade between Europe and Asia, so pretty much everything had to pass through their territory. They used this in order to get a lot of wealth, so they imposed big taxes. That was not seen fondly by the Europeans because they were dependent on the good will of someone else, and plus everything was becoming more expensive and less profitable. In order to find a new sea root toward Asia, they actually managed to discover two new continents by accident, North and South America, thus setting the beginnings of the colonialism.
Arabs and Jews
Israel(Jewish population) and Palestine(Arabs) have a complex claim tot he same tract of land, They were split up by the British when imperialism was ending, but the split was complex, and many pockets and separated areas were there, unlike India and Pakistan. But one group (Israelis), had the clear advantage and took over the entire tract of land and kept the Palestinians hostage, they also isolated a set of land which has economic disparity to this day. But the Palestinians attacked first in order to take all of the land so some see it as fit, that the Israelis had them in the situation they are in right now.
When creating the United States Constitution, there were concerns about the federal government having too much power. Considering that the US Constitution was made shortly after America won their independence from Great Britain, it is easy to see why Americans were afraid of a strong federal government. One of the biggest causes of America declaring their independence from Great Britain was because of a strong central government that taxed colonists without their permission/input.
To make sure that this did not happen again, the Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments of the Constitution) included an amendment that related to states rights. The 10th amendment states that any power not specifically given to the federal government belongs to each state respectively. This is why states have the ability to do things like create their own education system and driving laws.
I would say B) and D) apply to some of the differences between a Prime Minister and a President and also A). In addition, a Prime Minister is head of the government but may not be head of the state which may be a President in the same country or perhaps a Governor General.
The practice of foretelling the future is called Divination.