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It is to be noted that the attached image is an example of a pre-WWI art form called Dadaism. This art form influenced the Surrealist in the post war period. The title of the attached image is "Cut with the Kitchen Knife through the Last Epoch of Weimar Beer-Belly Culture in Germany"
<h3>What are the people that are visible from the image?</h3>
- Modern women placed side by side with women in traditional roles
- Slaves
<h3>What are the objects in the image?</h3>
1. There are symbols of modernity such as
2. Symbols of Industrialization such as;
Other symbols such as
3. Activities
Some of the example of how the photo relates to postwar art are:
- The juxtaposition of traditional and modern women
- The indicators of industrialization which took off after the war.
Learn more about Dadaism at;
Because they lead to the liberal republican group.
Living in Georgia was good because it was never cold. Oglethorpe planned to settle Georgia as a refuge for debtors in England. They wanted to use the settlers to search for gold, and explore local rivers in hopes of finding a way to the East.