B, A or D
Examples of secondary sources include: journal articles that comment on or analyse research. textbooks. dictionaries and encyclopaedias.
Laissez faire- government didn't regulate business nearly enough. Businesses could monopolize and jack up their prices. lack of government involvement is hurting america.
not too sure about business consolidates
big businesses becoming powerful- big business could swamp small businesses and raise their prices really high, but there would be no small businesses left for people to spend their money on a cheaper alternative
Progressives usually aim for equality and social justice, thus, they should focus on policies that advance these goals.
Some of these policies could be: universal health care coverage, whether under a public system, or a mixed private/public system.
More funds for education, both in elementary, secondary, and tertiary education, making emphasis on those students who are talented but do not have enough economic resources to pay tuition.
Antoher policy could be aim at the treatment of minorities, who often bear the brunt of systemic inequalities.
C. Both A and B is the correct answer