The answer is:
B) freedom, plain-spoken speech, and mischief.
In the passage from "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," by Mark Twain, the protagonist makes reference to the robbers' money he and Tom found in the cave. After receiving a dollar a day, he is adopted by the Widow Douglas, However, he then prefers to be independent than to follow her appropriate rules. He also uses a straightforward manner of speaking, especially to the window and her sister, and goes back to the house after Tom invites him to become a member of a band of robbers.
The setting of the story <span>“Rip Van Winkle”</span><span> is set in a small, very old village at the foot of the Catskill Mountains. The Forest setting contributes to the theme of enchantment in such a way that it provides the readers a clearer view or a clearer picture of Rip who had slept for 20 years after going to the mountains to hunt with the other explorers.</span>
C) Though she gets angry with him, she truly loves Tom.