Logos is a philosophical concept translated as reason, either as the capacity for individual rationalization or as a cosmic principle of Order and Beauty.
The Greek word "logos" has broad meaning and has been used throughout the history of philosophy in many ways, it can be considered both a first philosophical concept for reason and a principle of universal order and beauty, according to the period and philosopher. who employed her.
For the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, the first to use the term "logos" in the philosophical context, logos was the concept responsible for providing the connection between rational discourse and the rational structure of the world. Heraclitus suggests the existence of logos as an independent universal entity. However, what the word "logos" meant in its use is not yet clear, hypotheses are raised to identify logos with "reason" or "explanation" in the sense of a universal law, or even as simply meaning "wisdom". He argued that all things come to be according to logos, and although people live as if they have their own private understanding, logos is common and "uno".