Uncle Hammer gets very angry, particularly at Mr. Simms. He mutters something about getting his gun and leaves in a car. Mr. Morrison follows Uncle Hammer and is able to talk him down. Confronting a white man would have been devastating for Uncle Hammer and the family.
The Petrarchan sonnet, perfected by the Italian poet Petrarch, divides the 14 lines into two sections: an eight-line stanza (octave) rhyming ABBAABBA, and a six-line stanza (sestet) rhyming CDCDCD or CDECDE.
I honestly have no idea what that is
Where is the answer options at?
Emerson means that he sees everything; the metaphor suggests the poet is like a single, huge eye. I become a transparent eyeball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or parcel of God.