I'd love to
I hope you like it
I walk past her house
Wondering what she's like now
The sky is grey
But i'm still blue
I see others
But don't want it to be trouble.
The sky's blue again
I bump into them
I wonder if this one will like me
But what if she wont
what if i have to find another
the struggles just to stay with each other
I try to think it'll be fine
But no more like the opposite of divine
I get stressed
wishing she never left.
Ok this may not be the best but i tried
Illustration means "making ideas clearer by giving examples or by using. diagrams or pictures". An example is always one of a larger "set" or "class", eg Mercury is an. example of an element. Exemplification and illustration are common techniques in academic writing.
The whole moral of Animal Farm, is that there will always be tyranny, even in Socialism, and that socialism will always turn into communism.
We see this in Animal Farm, because after the animals took over, they promised that everyone will be equal. But the pigs ended up going back on their word and took over. Than they told everyone that they were more important than everyone else.
With the famous phrase, "man is born free, but he is everywhere in chains," Rousseau asserts that modern states repress the physical freedom that is our birthright, and do nothing to secure the civil freedom for the sake of which we enter into civil society.
Rivers and oceans are polluted by chemical waste