in a culina in a niche in the center of a room in a laraium 35.
Technical director
A highly skilled and trained theatre professional having deep knowledge about technical aspects of the art form and design and work with production managers, designers and design technicians. They make sure that the technical features of production are organised and safe. He may purchase materials, create blue prints, plans and supervising technical crew. Most technical directors study theatre at undergraduate level, some also get a graduate degree in technical direction and technical theatre as well.
When jazz education started not many people were into jazz so it made a lot more people enjoy it and want to learn it. Positive changes were that more people played. Negatives were that people were against it.
Art is man-made construct. Moreover, “art is not nature” means that it is not a natural occurrence. However, man has taught himself to find art in nature. Art is not Nature, Art is made by Man Setting us apart from the animals, humans learned and perceived logic and pattern in our everyday lives.