A family that extends beyond the immediate family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives
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Somalia is 233 miles northeast of Ethiopia - False;
Salalah, Oman is 385 miles northwest from Yemen - False;
The distance between the two East African nations of Somalia and Ethiopia is actually 0 miles. The reason for that is that these two countries share a border, thus there is no distance between their territories, apart from the imaginary line that is the border.
Salalah, Oman is 384 miles away from Yemen, but it is not toward the northwest, instead it is toward the northeast. Oman as whole is located on the northeast of Yemen, thus Yemen comes to located southwest of Oman.
I agree that atmospheric temperature drops at higher altitude because it causes heat at a higher temperature. The ozone layer shields the world from other temperature and anything else that could affect the global atmosphere.