Answer: True.
More intensive contacts between China and Europe took place at the beginning of the 16th century. At that time, China was at the peak of economic development, and the ideas of humanism and the Renaissance were spreading widely in Europe. So the contacts intensified in favorable conditions for both. Both benefited because there was a trade exchange between the two entities to talk about economic benefits in this case. The mutual contact between the two civilizations also led to exchanging ideas and acquaintance with other cultures.
Farming of plants and animals
In 1517, came the 95 Theses against Indulgences, a document showing that Luther’s practical appropriation of ‘justification by faith alone’ was far from fully formed at that point in time and that, although Luther disparaged papal indulgences as media of final forgiveness of sins, he was still placing considerable onus on the responsibility of the individual to secure remission of sins through contrition for them.