Knowledge, comphrension, application.
1108.39$ i the account
first put the fraction into decimal form (0.047) then multiply 1290.33 by the decimal = 60.64 then multiply that by 3 = 181.93 Then subtract that number from the account balance to get 1108.39$
Option D is the most correct answer.
Art is created for its own sake as an expression of the artist many times with the intention to pass a message across to the audience.
Sometimes the message is a concept, a paradigm, a thought or even a world view.
Faith's pink ribbons are example of a C. SYMBOL.
In Young Goodman Brown, Faith's pink ribbons initially symbolizes Faith's innocence.
However, as the poem progresses, the pink ribbons took up the symbol of deceit when it was found in the forest.
So, from symbolizing innocence, the Faith's pink ribbons became a symbol of deceit hidden behind an innocent facade.