Try not to anwser all mitosis because that is not ok so try looking at the pictures closey
El 25 de julio de 1898, Estados Unidos invadió y se apoderó de Puerto Rico como parte de la Guerra Hispanoamericana. Estados Unidos intentó legitimar este acto colonial al firmar el Tratado de París con España, el antiguo propietario colonial de Puerto Rico, en 1898.
Civil society refers to "the aggregate of non-governmental organizations and institutions that manifests interests and will of citizens." Civil society also defines another part of society, which is seen as less prevalent, such as the family, because they are nonaligned to the government. However, civil society can relate to the freedom of speech or other elements that make up a democratic society.
The definition of Paleolithic is: of or relating to the earliest period of the Stone Age characterized by rough or chipped stone implements. So it is basically (in short) the early stone age.