A term that describes the position of the stomach with respect to the lungs is inferior.
cellulose present in cell wall of dead sclerenchyma is the wood that we use in furniture in home
C6H6 - organic compound
K - element
Cl2 - inorganic elemental molecule
SO2 - inorganic compound
An organic compound contains carbon and hydrogen bonded covalently . Sometimes other atoms aside from carbon and hydrogen called heteroatoms are also found in organic compounds. C6H6 is an organic compound.
Elements are found in periodic table. They always occur in uncombined state. K is an element.
Cl2 is an inorganic elemental molecule containing two chlorine atoms bonded covalently.
SO2 is an inorganic compound composed of sulphur and oxygen bound covalently. Mnay inorganic compounds do not contain carbon
An energy transformation is the change of energy from one form to another. Energy transformations occur everywhere every second of the day. There are many different forms of energy such as electrical, thermal, nuclear, mechanical, electromagnetic, sound, and chemical.
Earth is a planet, Zero planets on earth