Com tants altres animals, l'ésser humà és capaç d' emetre sons a través de la interacció dels diversos òrgans fisiològics que pa
rticipen, a més a més, en altres funcions primàries com la respiració o la deglució. L'aparell fonador és aquell complex sistema pel qual l'aire es transforma en so i els sons en emocions.
The text was written in <u>Catalan language</u>. A clearer rendering of the text reads;
<em>"Like so many other animals, humans are capable of emitting sounds through the interaction of various physiological organs, which also participate in other primary functions such as breathing or the swallowing. The founding apparatus is that complex system by which air is transformed into sound and sounds into emotions."</em>
You now probably required to make inferences or deductions from the statement above.
Explanation: His first opera, Rinaldo premiered at the Queen's Threatre in 1711, the same theater in which Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera first saw the light of day in 1986.