The fighting during the war had mostly been fought in Southern territory
The fighting during the war had mostly been fought in Southern territory.The South has been devastated, and the people had their home and communities destroyed.
It would be important because the ways we are using now are not very affective
The domino theory was a Cold War policy that suggested a communist government in one nation would quickly lead to communist takeovers in neighboring states, each falling like a perfectly aligned row of dominos.
La historia de todas las sociedades humanas habidas hasta hoy ha sido la historia de la lucha de clases. Hombre libre y esclavo, patricio y plebeyo, barón y siervo de la gleba, maestro y oficial del gremio, en una palabra, opresores y oprimidos se enfrentaron en perpetuo antagonismo, librando una lucha incesante, a veces encubierta y a veces franca, lucha que se saldó en cada caso con una transformación revolucionaria de toda la sociedad o bien con el hundimiento conjunto de las clases enfrentadas.