When it comes to politics, population can be a big factor that comes into play.
Let's say 55 percent of the the American Population voted for person A.
45 percent voted for person B... Yat, yat, yat...
Or you can say, " This fraction of the US population voted and this didn't."
Things in that manner.
It was the "Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act" that was a disaster because when European nations responded with tariffs on American goods global trade plunged by roughly two thirds
<span> from 1929 levels.</span> This was viewed as exacerbating the Great Depression.
Other Northern industries--weapons manufacturing, leather goods, iron production, textiles--grew and improved as the war progressed. The same was not true in the South.Aug 23, 2017
The more widely used automobiles became, the more they began to affect the daily lives of Americans. During this time suburbs were also becoming popular. The automobile played a major role in the spreading out of these suburbs. It heavily influenced family life, and made for a more mobile society.