कंगूरे के गीत गाने वाले हम, आईए, अब नींव के गीत गाएं- ० लेखक ने धन्य किसे कहा है? उसकी क्या महत्ता है? ० ईसाई धर्म किसके पुण्यों का फल है? लेखक आज कैसे नौ जवानों का आवाह्न कर रहा ...
B. Restrain the actions of government against individuals
Chronological thinking is the foundation of historical reasoning—the ability to examine relationships among historical events and to explain historical causality
Joe Biden has two Jerman Sheperds Champ and Major.
It means "year of our lord" in Latin, meaning the number of years since Jesus.
The years before the AD ones are labeled 'BC', for "Before Christ".
Both of those labels are the reasons why many people, especially
non-Christians, such as for example Jews and Muslims, prefer to
label the years as 'BCE' and 'CE', meaning "Before the Common Era"
and "Common Era".