- start off with an introduction that will capture the reader, such as a shocking statistic or a sad story (example: 60,000 people die from lung cancer per year, or, Micheal Adams, a young NHL hockey player and a heavy smoker, died from lung cancer at only 38/ or you can reveal how children exposed to second hand smoking or have parents that smoked while the baby was still in the womb have a much higher risk of being born with a disability or with severe asthma.
-explain the pros and cons of smoking, but try to highlight the cons, such as saying “many people smoke to relieve stress, but smoking will actually lead to bigger problems later on in life
-make sure your data is accurate and precise. Try to obtain the most recent data possible (like not a study from 10 years ago)
- even though you are trying to convince people not to smoke,never bash or hate on people who smoke or kids of people who smoke, especially in your essay. Nicotine is a difficult addiction to get over and there are many reasons someone can start using cigarettes. Be kind in your essay and describe how difficult it must be to live with this addiction or have family members that are addicted
- conclude your essay by restating your introduction paragraph using different words. Don’t start any new ideas or elaborate any old ones. Remind the reader what the purpose of your essay was.
<span>Nature, for Bryant, does not have much consolation to offer to the reader who is experiencing depressing thoughts about death. The best Bryant can say is that it happens to everybody and that Nature will continue to exist in all its wonder and beauty after we are gone.</span>