It will have a negative effect on hand success.
The strength of a war is seen from the readiness and availability of sophisticated weapons by the party involves.
Hand succes is hardly achieved in war in this our dispensation and Time. More tedious works cannot be achieved by hand success. Distance communication will be crippled without applying technology.
What's the context?
The industrial revolution
Even further back...
The agricultural revolution
They had signed a treaty. However they did very little to act in concert with one another during the war. Each country had different goals that did not mesh well enough to force them both to come together in formulating a combined strategy. They were referred to as the Axis Powers.
It is important because its affect the price of the average American citizens.
Hawaii had become an American territory during 1989 after the Spanish-American War.
Along with Manifest Destiny, after the war, the United States had made an unofficial empire in the Pacific. With the Philippines as its biggest colony, Hawaii was much closer to home therefore it was annexed. Hawaii held a geographical strategic value and eventually in the future would turn into an economically prosperous state.