All of the above.
Charlotte Bronte's classic "Jane Eyre" revolves around the story of a young girl named Jane Eyre, an orphan who suffered a lot during her childhood but became independent and found love and happiness in the end. The whole story deals with the theme of love, suffering, life's struggles, and the eventual happiness that comes.
The opening chapters of the novel present a young Jane living with her Aunt Reed and her children who treated her nothing more than a servant (<em>"you are less than a servant, for you do nothing for your keep"</em>) or a hindrance. She was asked to address her cousin John Reed as <em>"Master Reed</em>", was punished for whatever claims they can find and get, and locked up whenever she showed any form of resistance. She also stated <em>"I was a discord in Gateshead Hall: I was like nobody there"</em>, showing how unpleasant it was for her to be there and live under their care.
C. Because he manipulated information to create a false image of himself as a good leader.
Terror was part of the Soviet politics of regime consilidation and survival, especially after supreme leader Joseph Stalin had purged rivals in the party inner circles.
Communist ideology bombarded citizens living in a society under censorship and exclusive state ownership of the media and means of production with the notion that all hardships and events were part of the construction of socialism and communist, a society of full happiness for the workers. Propaganda depicted the great leader as a man working hard for the happiness of the Soviet people, a wise and caring teacher of the nation.
Well if its a "real word" may depend on dialect, or where your from specifically. There are many words in Texas not really recognized as "real words" like "y'all" or many things like that. Perhaps it is a word somewhere. But I have never heard it. Remember, language is like a liquid, always shifting, and changing.
A - Not a knocker but Marley's face
This shows that the knocker transformed to the supernatural by becoming not what it was - but the face of his dead co-worker.
This question is about "A New England Nun"
During Joe Dagget's visit to Louisa we can infer that he cares and likes her.
Louisa and Joe Dagget made a promise that they would get married after Joe returned from his travels in Australia. Joe returns after 14, when he and Louisa have had new experiences and developed different goals for their life. Louisa no longer wants to marry Joe, but the promise must be kept and Joe visits her frequently. These visits make it seem that Joe likes and cares about Louisa, which is true, but as we read on, we learn that Joe is in love with another woman, but to keep the promise and not to sadden Louisa, he would marry her.