I expected it to end with none of the humans turning out to be ailen after all. I thought that maybe there was aliens, but they were messing with the people of the town to make them push the blame on eachother.
The gut instinct follower is arguably the simplest decision maker and tends to choose the first option in haste.
When confronted with two possibilities and a handful of information on each, the instinct follower will generally form an immediate impression, and side with wherever that impression lands.
And mostly that is the correct decision but sometimes you just make the decision too quickly and waste it by choosing the very first option on the list.
The author of “Space Debris…” focuses only on how NASA and other organizations identify and maneuver around debris, while the author of “Space Junk…” provides examples of organizations taking on thoughtful efforts to remove debris from space.
The author of “Space Debris…” illustrates how the inventory of debris by size helps cleanup efforts, while the author of “Space Junk…” only provides examples of debris that have been saved from space.
The author of “Space Debris…” conveys the importance of sharing cleanup responsibilities among professionals in various fields, while the author of “Space Junk…” places the responsibility solely on space archaeologists.