Alexander the Great destroyed the city of Thebes because he wanted to send a message to the other Greeks that were thinking of revolting like Thebes did. Thebes and other Greek city-states had a pact with Phillip II, Alexander's father, king of Macedonia, that they would be a part of Macedonia. When Phillip died and Alexander took over Macedonia, the Greeks did not want to bow to a 'child' (a 20 year old). Also it had been rumored in the cities that Alexander was dead and it was the perfect time to revolt. That is the reason Alexander the Great destroyed the city of Thebes.
The Allies were powerful, but it is arguable that at the beginning of the war their military technology could not compete with Germany and Japan. This is why Germany and Japan were able to invade so many countries. Towards the end of the World War II, the Allies began to get the upper hand because they had access to resources that the Axis didn't.
Italy a NATO country.
During the cold war, the US criticized the Soviet Union's construction of missiles in other countries. But the US put nuclear missiles in Turkey and in NATO countries, Italy being one of them. The presidency John F. Kennedy used these missiles to bargain for the end of the Cuban missiles crises in the year 1962. He agreed to remove nuclear missiles from Turkey if the Soviet Union removed nuclear missiles from Cuba.