I can't exactly explain but this should help :) https://www.stlouisfed.org/education/economic-lowdown-podcast-series/episode-2-factors-of-production
The boy who ran for class president is the football captain.
The correct pronoun is who.
The pronoun which is used for objects, not people.
She shames him. She thinks the crime could be washed away. She also thinks if they ignore the situation it will take care of itself; if they can wash away their sins....then their conscience would be cleared - or so she thinks...
She is a manipulator and she is controlling. She can be violent and cold-blooded and will ridicule/shame him. She calls him a coward because he had not put the daggers where they were supposed to go. She goads him and even compares how he did not go through with the murder like he was supposed to, is also the type of husband he has become.
A reviewer looks over a product and finds positives AND negatives, while critics tend to look at negatives over positives.
In my opinion I would say it’s D. Tigger, the three-legged dog moved Rachel to tears