I can’t help you there, everyone has a different dream house! But if you’re looking for tips on how to write an essay, I have some. Start with an outline. If you don’t know how to write an outline, look up the format. It’ll help give you a great general idea for what you’ll be writing. You can also use brainstorm maps. When it comes to actually writing your essay, try to use many adjectives and be thorough, because based on the instructions your teacher wants details. Good luck
Hamlet does accept the duel however, for two reasons: firstly, it offers him an opportunity to resolve his conflict with Laertes, whose forgiveness he craves (a fencing duel with foils - blunted blades - is a courtly sport after all, and chiefly an exercise in male bonding).
Secondly, and more significantly, Hamlet is world-weary and ready to succumb to any outside agency.
yes you can be free if you want because you dont have power but you do have cerige
"So what? It's not lethal..."
Elie's father attempts to downplay the significance of the decree by telling his son, "The yellow star? So what? It's not lethal . . . "