Ralph and Jack engage in a fight which neither wins before Piggy tries once more to address the tribe. Any sense of order or safety is permanently eroded when Roger, now sadistic, deliberately drops a boulder from his vantage point above, killing Piggy and shattering the conch.
If children ruled, it would be a madhouse! They would make rules that were like: "No school," or "Boys only!" They would also have control over the food they eat. Sugar all day! And you know what happens when kids eat too much sugar....! Basically, the world would crumble in days.
Have a great day!
Answer: the answer ...........
More people are recycling today than 15 years ago. (It's basically asking what the main idea is)
It’s important because hair discrimination IS race discrimination. sadly, it is not new, and it is not novel. minorities have suffered hair discrimination for years. a recent study found that african american women face the highest instances of hair discrimination and are more likely to be sent home from the workplace because of their hair. The study also uncovered that 80 percent of african american women felt they needed to switch their hairstyle to align with more conservative standards in order to fit in at work. hair discrimination occurs not only in the workplace, but in schools as well.