Finisar Demonstrates Next-Generation ROADM Technology Offering Industry's Highest Resolution, Accuracy, and Flexibility at ECOC 2014
The Shang Dynasty was a monarchy.
The kings of the Shang Dynasty, was a monarchy, where the people were ruled by a king. In this type of government, the people involved were, the king, and his noblemen, fortune tellers, and governors. The king had the power to appoint noblemen to rule each city state. Additionally, the king had the power to say when crops could be planted. Moreover, the noblemen had the authority to recruit soldiers to defend the city state from invaders. The only way to gain the throne was to inherit it, by being the king's younger brother or oldest son.
<span> After </span>World War<span> I, </span>Ottoman Empire<span> broke apart, with the Turks confined to Asia Minor (Turkey). Other </span>European colonies<span> broke away as well.
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They viewed reaching an advanced age as a significant accomplishment.
Life expectancy in early colonial Virginia was less than 25 years -- including the reality of infant mortality and a high number of deaths in childhood. In the colonial beginnings of New England, around 40% of children died before reaching adult age. Life in the colonies was very hard for the early colonists.
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