"witchs marks" =scars
Or back in the day they used really bizarre evidence like swim tests, where they believed a witch would float with something pulling them down as a symbol that the water is rejecting their body and prayer tests because witches apparently weren't capable of reciting prayers from the bible
D. These cities are located near water because when they were first settled, water was the main method of traveling.
According to Eisenhower, Japan's trading business will be in danger if Communism expanded to Asia.
Japan relied on countries in South East Asia to buy their resources that they use in their production. If these countries (such as thailand, Indonesia, and myanmar) falls to communists, Japan will be imposed a heavy tariff to acquire their normal amount of materials.
D. They used slaves for cheap labor.
A potential conflict between British and French imperial forces in Africa almost commenced when the two armies faced off against each other at Fashoda. The Fashoda Crisis was the climax of imperial territorial disputes between Britain and France in Eastern Africa. It occurred in 1898, A french expedition to Fashoda on the White Nile river sought to gain control of the Upper Nile River basin and thereby exclude Britain from Sudan.