The eggs cells are more likely to be surgically removed from the ovary
El híbrido va a ser esteril.
En la cruza entre dos especies distintas, cuando ocurre, existen distintos mecanismos de aislamiento reproductivo, que son barreras que inhiben o interrumpen el flujo génico entre especies distintas. Es decir que no habrá exito reproductivo de estas cruzas. Se trata de caracteres biológicos propios de cada especie que previenen la reproducción con otras especies.
Estos mecanismos de aislamiento reproductivo pueden ser precigóticos o postcigóticos.
1.Pre-copulatorios o pre-cigóticos:
- Ecológico o por aislamiento de hábitat;
- Por incompatibilidad de gametas.
2. Post-copulatorios o cigóticos:
- Inviabilidad del híbrido;
- Híbrido con viabilidad o fertilidad disminuido;
- Interacciones citoplasmáticas.
La mula es producto de la cruza entre dos especies distintas: una yegua (Equus ferus caballus) y un burro (Equus africanus asinus). Es un ejemplo de la accion de mecanismo poscigótico, en el cual se forma un híbrido viable esteril. Este ejemplar puede nacer, crecer y sobrevivir, pero que no puede producir gametas funcionales, por lo cual no puede reproducirse.
The smallest bone in the human body is the stapes bone, located in the ear.
Hope that helped you.
The release of pyrophosphate from the incoming nucleotide, and then hydrolysis of the pyrophosphate to inorganic phosphate provides energy for the addition of nucleotide onto a DNA strand.
Nucleotides are linked together by a condensation event that yields a tiny, stable molecule. But the released molecule is pyrophosphate, not water. A good amount of free energy is released when water is added to pyrophosphate.
The high-energy link between the ejected beta and gamma phosphates stores the energy for each incoming nucleotide's addition. The subsequent hydrolysis that occurs drives the process. A substantially greater quantity of energy is released when two phosphates are separated into individual phosphates.
Learn more about nucleotides here:
At right angles to each
other, it is important to take at least two films (or two views) of the
specified anatomical area since you might see things in one view that
you would not see in the other since two views give two different perspectives
<span>Moving them multiple times
could cause severe discomfort or pain if the animal is severely injured in
small animal medicine.</span>