Issues like the workers felt that the employers were under paying them/ low wages, working conditions and benefits and more.
3. d
6. A
7. b
9. c
10. j
- John Locke: Second Treatise on Government
- Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan
- William Blackstone: Commentaries on the Laws of England
- Jean Jacques Rousseau: The Social Contract
1. <em>Two Treatises of Government</em> (1689) is one of John Locke's most famous works. In this work, he established the principle that men are naturally free and equal, but with the purpose to interact in a healthy society, it was necessary that they transferred some of their rights to a government that the people chose and changed when they deemed necessary.
2. Thomas Hobbes published <em>Leviathan: The Matter, Form, and Power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiastical and Civil</em> in 1651. With this book, he became the first philosopher who developed the concept of Social Contract.
3. The most influential work of William Blackstone was the <em>Commentaries on the Laws of England</em> (1765-1769) in which he fully described the doctrines of English law.
4. Jean-Jacques Rousseau published <em>The Social Contract </em>in 1762, which was a work that provided the means to establish a political community that would benefit the modern society.
Spain rose to a position of power in the sixteenth century due to the consolidation of the two largest Spanish kingdoms, Aragon and Castile, in 1492, along with the conquest of Granada that same year. For it's overseas colonization.
The empire was instrumental in spreading Christianity across the Atlantic. It also brought enormous wealth to Spain after rich silver and gold mines were discovered after the 1530s. Spain's European expansion began long before this wealth became available.
With the accession of the Hapsburg Charles (Carlos) to the Spanish throne, Spain gained control of vast areas of central and northern Europe (Austria, the Netherlands, Burgundy and chunks of Germany).
To know more about Spain's overseas colonization here
That could be, similarily to how a star functions and explodes in a super nova.
You should do research because there are theories and studies similar to that, so you could potentially add on to your theory.