You are usually editing a word document when you are finished typing up and assignment or what not, then highlighting what you want to edit will tell the computer/word document what and where your making your edits.
Solution: In this case, the system can be modeled as a function with two output signals,
where(x(t), y(t)) is the position of the tail in they plane. This model Is Clearly not linear. If the Input torque doubles, for example, the output values will not double. In fact, the output values are constrained to lie on a circle centered at the origin, regardless of the Input. For this reason, the model is BIBO stable. The output is always bounded. Thus, while our previous model was linear and unstable, this one Is nonlinear and stable. Which model is more useful?
Cloud computing, also known as cloud services, cloud concepts or simply the cloud, is a paradigm that allows to offer computer services. through a network, which is usually the Internet.
(data persistence, authentication, messaging, etc.). for example, a Linux system, a web server, and a programming environment such as Perl or Ruby).
Commercial examples are Google App ,Microsoft Azure,