243,042 km
Coastline: Canada's coastline is the world's longest, measuring 243,042 km (includes the mainland coast and the coasts of offshore islands). This compares with Indonesia (54,716 km), Russia (37,653 km), the United States (19,924 km) and China (14,500 km).
Like Confucianism and the Eight-fold Path of Buddhism, the Ten Commandments are the pathway through which first Jews, and then Christians, would be able to attain Heaven, and live peaceful lives on Earth that were acceptable to God
The word mentor comes from the ancient epic novel , The Odyssey , Role model is also a Greek derived word
10 Across. Government
7 Across. Monarch
2 Down. Age of reason
8 Down. Hobbes
Because they need more time so they taxed people to help those in need