A good topic sentence is very clear, focused on the topic, directly relates the thesis, summarizes the main points of that paragraph, and strongly supports a claim.
origina answer
George Orwell's favorite book, 1984, describes the dystopian world where media is king and every citizen of Oceania is instructed to repress their pure human nature. This book serves as a warning to the citizens of this world today. Orwell's novel was planned for his audiences to take attention to the reality that media is the most significant force of loss-of-self. -Since the revival of these Olympic games in 1896, these games have quickly turn into compromised by governments and propaganda. The virtue of this athleticism has been tarnished with outrage, dishonesty, commercialism, boycotts, political conflicts, reputation advancement, as well as acts of coercion. Mega sporting events, e.g., the Olympics have this strange power to not only momentarily join national societies, But, Conversely, reflect real life rivalries and disputes (Grix ).
your intro would include your main topic and what you plan to prove or say.
the conclusion would summarize everything and repeat your main phrase at the beginning in some sort of fashion.
The body is where all the good stuff is...
The multiplicative inverse of 11 is 1/11, think of it like the reciprocal. If you multiply 1/11 by 11/1, you get 1.