Advantages of asexual reproduction:
- There is no need for a mate/ only one parent is required
- It takes less time compared to sexual reproduction
Disadvantages of asexual reproduction:
- There is little genetic variation/less diverse population
- Offspring cannot adapt to change
Advantages of sexual reproduction:
- Genetic diversity
- Offspring can adapt to change
Disadvantages of sexual reproduction:
- Two parents are needed
- Slow reproduction compared to asexual reproduction
Answer: i cinque isomeri possibili per l'esano sono n-esano, 2-metil pentano, 3-metil pentano, 2, 3-dimetilbutano e 2, 2-dimetilbutano. - 2-metil pentano è anche chiamato isoesano. - 2, 2-dimetil butano chiamato anche Neoesano.
Positive feedback is a control system that sends a signal to ( increase) a response.
Bones: they lose calcium, becoming crispy
Muscle: they lose mass
Cartilage: becomes stiffer, but it does not make airway more rigid
D) connective tissue: It includes bone, blood, and lymph tissue, giving support to the skin and internal organs, becoming increasingly stiff when aging.
It should be connective tissue.