<h2>The downfall of the national bank was caused because he and many of his supporters blamed the bank for the Panic of 1819, which had become a severe economic depression. The national bank had made that crisis worse, first by lending irresponsibly and then, when the panic hit, by hoarding gold currency to save itself at the expense of smaller banks and their customers.</h2>
Yes because before August 1964 this was recording from May 1964 where Johnson is trying to decide whether he should send off the children to draft them or not. The U.S. pledged $15 million worth of military aid to france to help fight in Vietnam
Even if Germany didn't declare war on the USA in 1941, the US would have been forced to declare war later on anyway. ... Dozens of merchant ships were sunk off the East Coast of the United States between 1941 and 1945. Sooner or later, these sinking would have forced FDR's hand to declare war on Germany.
Underline each term you use.
epic enter earthquake tsunami Richter scale seismograph
Well, freedom was a pretty important aspect of the enlightenment. It was in fact during this enlightenment era that American fought for and gain its independence. The declaration of Independence was very much influenced by Enlightenment philosopher, John Locke's ideas on human independence.
You can look up how John Locke influenced the US Declaration of Independence