the american rev was about freedom and how the british ruled harshly over them . while the french rev was about a new gov , social system and just about everything there is
<u><em>President Lyndon B. Johnson worked day in and day out to eliminate poverty, injustice and crime from the American society. For this purpose they introduced the idea of "Great Society".</em></u>
They passed many acts. Out of all of them "Economic Opportunity Act" was very important. Along with this, many legislatures were passed as well. They introduced 40 strategic programs.
Some of them are Community Action Program, VISTA, Job Corps, Head Start, Legal Services etc.
This paved the way to the Great Society envisioned by the President. Many of the programs introduced by him are still functional till today.
Due to his efforts, poverty was reduced as new jobs were created, education system was revolutionized and racial injustices were prevented.
It would be the Comanche tribe that settled along the rivers in eastern Oklahoma, since this was a highly advantageous area. They are currently a federally-recognized tribe and are still based in Oklahoma.