Serve as a Symbol of leader ship but ultimately the mayor has no formal authority outside the council The mayor cannot directly appoint or remove officials lax veto power over Council votes.
The theory which states that when there are multiple possible explanatons of an event or a phenomenon, the simplest is the best would be Occam's razor.
However, it's important to note that this idea actually states that we shouldn't necessarily multiply ontological entities, which doesn't really mean the easiest solution necessarily.
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Positioning stage of courtship.
As the exercise describes, Marco and Kris are most likely at the positioning stage of courtship as this stage shows them close, facing eachother. Marco holding her hand shows how the involvement increased, creating an atmosphere between them that would make others trying to enter it feel like intruders. So what this stage consists of is the increased involvement, a somewhat apropiation of space between the individuals and the keen attention on eachother.
China is the country that addressed population growth through the one child policy.