A massive topic for this could be oil. You could talk about OPEC and the different types of technologies involved
They wanted all slaves to have civil rights, for the republican party to become a powerful institution in the south, and to prevent confedaracy leaders from returning to power after the war.
Men were chosen by the draft. You had to sign up and if your number was picked - you left for Vietnam
The only way to get out of the draft was to have a medical deferment, move to Canada or stay in college.
Donald trump had 5 medical deferments for bad feet
Gottlieb Mittelberger (1714 – 1758) was a German writer and lutheran pastor who described the miseries suffered by German inmigrants in the colonial US in his work <em>Journey to Pennsylvania</em>.
He described the miserable transatlantic journey plus the exploitation they suffered at their arrival when the colonists hired them as indentured servants, the loss of freedom, the lack of health conditions, etc. He tried to convince people not to immigrate from Europe as their life conditions would turn much worse than before.