It's some Halloween tradition to say "Trick or Treat" for candy when you knock on someone's front door. :D
Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) were established to serve the educational needs of black Americans. Prior to the time of their establishment, and for many years afterwards, blacks were generally denied admission to traditionally white institutions. As a result, HBCUs became the principle means for providing postsecondary education to black Americans.
Today, HBCUs must fulfill educational goals far beyond those initially set. President George Bush described the unique mission of black colleges as follows:
In 1996, Doctor George Stanton, who belonged to the Department of State, designed and described thoroughly the "Eight Stages of Genocide." He did this in order to detect the stages and prevent genocide from happening.
During Adolf Hitler´s Nazi regime, all types of bad propaganda such as cartoons and caricatures were reported in local newspapers with the aim of portraying Jews as stingy,selfish,corrupt and subhuman. These actions are part of the stage of dehumanization. The main purpose of this phase is to describe a group of people as animals,disease or something that is not worth living. In addition, the government who is exerting this power believes it has the right to violate every human right of the targeted people by ,as the Nazis did, launching negative propaganda campaigns.