El sistema social dominante en la Europa medieval, en el que la nobleza poseía tierras de la corona a cambio del servicio militar, y los vasallos eran a su vez principios de los nobles, mientras que los campesinos estaban obligados a vivir en la tierra de su Señor y rendirle homenaje, trabajo. y una parte del producto, teóricamente a cambio de protección militar.
Espero que esto ayude a marcar el MÁS CEREBRAL !!!
Both Giovanni di Arrigo and Giovanni di Nicolao Arnolfini were Italian merchants, originally from Lucca, but resident in Bruges since at least 1419. The man in this painting is the subject of a further portrait by van Eyck in the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin, leading to speculation he was a friend of the artist.
The correct answer should be - a botanist who s<span>tudied nature to uncover why a certain plant kept dying.
The most important principle of Enlightenment is reason and knowledge - so instead on relying on superstition and unreliable facts, this person decided to actually explore and study nature further to reach a conclusion him/herself.
I believe it is located in California.