Look up the racism throughout US history, the conditions of the slave trade were awful, hard hours in extreme heat, no breaks, and awful sexually abused as well as physical abuse from slave masters. Now fast forward past the American revolution. Abraham Lincoln said in his Gettysburg address “ four score and seven years ago our fathers brought fourth on this nation, a new nation conceived of liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal” racism against blacks started to deteriorate by the end of the 1800’s but was still largely prevalent. From the KKK still operating in the south, they still had little amount of human rights, as well as social rights. Referring to blacks as Racial slurs were still a thing. You have rebels of the slave trade like Harriet Tubman and Sujurnor Truth. Look up what they did. Then fast forward to Rosa parks who was a civil rights activist. In the time of segregation, She refused to give up her bus seat to a white man after being asked to do so. This was a brave act and statement towards civil rights of blacks. And then finally let’s finish off with Martin Luther King, and his speech “I have a dream” during his march on Washington. Not to mention the black panther organization later in the 60’s. Some of this is greatly felt today. This should answer your question.
An advantage is that it takes way less time to do it than to create a formal treaty since the President would not need consent from the congress for an executive agreement. A formal treaty can, however, last longer because it is more difficult to cancel, so if it's good, then it is also safer for it to be formal.
A. used the attack to justify taking aggressive action against Serbia
Austria-Hungary sent them an ultimatum to Serbia, and Serbia agreed to most of it but the only part it didn't agree to was that Austria-Hungary was able to do an investigation of who did the assassination in which Serbia refused for Austria-Hungary to investigate. This then went to the German's in which they backed Austria-Hungary for being an ally in the war which then led to the out-break of world war 1.