Having to brainstorm and produce numerous number of ideas can be a significant result to produce a quicker outcome when it comes to creating, solving and finding resolution for a certain output or objective.
Ideas are formed when millions of concepts converge within an individual which was composed of former knowledge, experience or both.
b) broad in orientation or scope
The word <em>inclusiveness </em>is derived from the word <em>inclusive </em>and the suffix <em>-ness.</em>
One of the meanings of the word inclusive is: broad in orientation or scope
. That means something that includes or tries to include all items, costs or services.
The suffix <em>-ness</em> is in this case attached to an adjective and it's purpose is to make it a noun, which denote a quality or state.
As we strive to improve conversations about race, racism, and racial justice in this country, the environment in which we’re speaking seems to be constantly shifting, which shows that these conversations are more important than ever. We’ve put together some advice on finding entry points based on research, experience, and the input of partners from around the country. This is by no means a complete list, but it is a starting point for moving these discussions forward.
Please note that while there are many reasons to communicate with various audiences about racial justice issues, this memo focuses on messaging with the primary goal of persuading them toward action. There are many times when people need to communicate their anger, frustration, and pain to the world and to speak truth to power. Doing so may not always be persuasive, but that obviously doesn’t make it any less important. Since we’re considering persuasion a priority goal in this memo, please consider the following advice through that lens.
The dialogue is a piece of conversation between two or more characters.
Authors will describe characters explicitly either by observation of another character or via a narrator. The purpose of this is to allow the reader to get to know the character intimately in order to use any behaviour that they display later as understandable based on how they were described when they were introduced.
Building the characters also allows the writer to engage the reader's emotions by giving the character likable, unlikable or relatable traits. These are often full of descriptive words and very intimate details about the Character that sometimes only they themselves will know.