Beowulf, prince of Geats, reflects the characteristics of a true hero. Through his two phases of life- young and age, poem exemplifies his heroism.
In his youth, he was characterized as courageous and full of strength. He embodied perfect characteristics of Germanic heroic code. He establishes himself as a hero when he purges Denmark of its plague.
In the second phase, Beowulf conforms himself as both king and the warrior. He is able to defeat three frightful monsters. Therefore, for the sake of his ideals, he was willing to stake his life and saved people from evil or those who were in great need.
<em>"Fearful in spirit, faint-mooded waxed he, Not off could betake him; death he was pondering" </em>
Answer:Through description i think >3
Literally take a story from something in your life that has made an impact on you. Make an introduction then explain what happened then explain how it’s relevant to what you’ve learned through the experience and give a conclusion to why it was important. But give details
Answer: C.Although extracting natural gas from shale in a process called fracking is believed to be safe by industry experts, scientists beg to differ with them.
Explanation: A conclusion is the last part of something, its end or result. In a written work, the conclusion is used to introduce some final comments at the end of the piece of writing. From the given options, the claim restatement that would be most appropriate to start the conclusion paragraph, is the corresponding to option C, because it summarizes the main idea or claim of the essay, without developing more information.
C because it's the most detailed explanation and answer. It goes over beginning middle and end