President Truman had the CIA train over 3000 Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro. Before the invasion, Kennedy took over office and approved it. The invasion failed miserably. In under 90 hours, over 2000 of the exiles were captured and the rest were killed. Kennedy denied to give them air support because he didn't want any US soldiers involved because it would start a war with Cuba and possibly provoke the Soviet Union. President Kennedy had the captured exiles released for a price of food and resources.
We started using electricity in everyday life as technology is omnipresent and also represents an important aspect of our life. We started driving cars as the technology has been developed in the 19th century. We've started 'living' online as we have embraced the existance of the internet.
National debt is the total amount amount of money that a government has borrowed. National deficit is total of all previous annual government deficits. Keep in mind that a deficit is the difference between what a government takes in and what it spends. The two are related because when the government is unable to fully repay any debt it has accrued that money becomes a part of the annual national deficit. So as the amount of national debt increases so does the amount of national deficit.
The most common last name in the United States is John or Smith as most surnames originated from professions of the person.