George Washington was considered to be the country's first federalist President. He was supportive of a sole government that centralized power and decided over the matters that concerned all of the states.
Within the first months of his presidency, Congress created executive departments like the Department of Treasury, State, War, and the Postmaster General. Washington proceeded to appoint Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State, among other figures.
The Federal government proved to be not as strong as it should. This was proven with the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794. In order to raise money to pay the national debt, Congress imposed a tax on distilled spirits, which farmers considered to be unfair. Threats were placed against tax collectors. As a response to this, the government summoned the federal army. However, it was too small and had to retreat against the state militias.
The bourgeoisie exploited the proletarians
The bourgeoisie largely reaped the benefits of the proletarians work. This inspired many people like Lenin to revolt and Mao Zedong to revolt against the bourgeoisie, and promised better working conditions overall to the proletariat.
It was mainly "the automobile industry used the substance to power cars and trucks," that was <span>boosted by oil being extracted here, since gasoline is derived from oil. </span>
Governmental Religious Educational Economic and finally Family
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Instead of working together at home, families worked in factories.