Response down below.
Dear Jennifer,
Sweetie, I'm sorry, first of all, that you had to experience this. The hunger, it must be real. At least the shade is nice, its very hot over here. Though, I can't say the same for everyone else. You see, the mustard gas attacks aren't nice. To sum it up, it basically suffocates you. The gas that they use it called Zyklon-B, it was originally a rat killer. Don't ask me where I got this, I have my sources. The uniforms are poorly made, am I correct? Those infections also, they must be awful. Best of luck to you, Jennifer, and may God be by your side.
Sincerely, Your Parent.
The Gold Rush significantly influenced the history of California and the United States. It created a lasting impact by propelling significant industrial and agricultural development and helped shape the course of California's development by spurring its economic growth and facilitating its transition to statehood
President Jefferson authorized Robert Livingston and James Monroe to purchase all the Louisiana Territory This agreement was known as the Louisiana Purchase. The purchase itself included land from fifteen present day states including portions of Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado.
He successfully rose to being the President of Poland.