A newton (N) is the international unit of measure for force. One newton is equal to 1 kilogram meter per second squared.
In plain English, 1 newton of force is the force required to accelerate an object with a mass of 1 kilogram 1 meter per second per second.
D. XHxh and XHY
since this is the only answer with genes that share a common allele, the answer is D.
In order for a recessive gene to be present, the daughter must have gained the alleles of XHXH, which in this case, is a 25% chance. The other two possibilites are XHxh, XHY, and Yxh. To further prove this, a female must have 2 X alleles and to have hemophilia, they must carry 2 H's. If they were to only have one H, they would be a carrier instead of a product.
B. sugarcane. Not sure if this is correct or not, but my research shows it is. Hope I helped!
Don’t know sorry I wish I could help but I have no clue